school food

Let's not work to lessen kids' diabetes and obesity by changing the system subsidizing bad farming that produces processed foods; let's ban homemade baked goods!
The city of New York says packaged foods like low-fat Doritos are okay to sell at school fundraisers, but not any homemade treats without a calorie count.

This is old news, but "food companies" like Coke and McDonald's spend tons of money marketing directly to children: $1.6 billion in 2006 (with some estimating as much as $10 billion that year alone). Washington Post says McDonald's spent $1 million a day on advertising to kids in 2006, all tax-deductible.

Admirable that New York City is trying to work on the problem of childhood obesity and diabetes, but is limiting a small thing like homemade bake sale goods the right solution? They should take a page from Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign and promote healthier school lunches, school gardens, and exercise for kids. And try to pull out of the extreme grip of the food companies' advertising.

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