From April - November this year I'll be working at a small farm in Belmont, Mass. It's a CSA ("community supported agriculture") where neighbors buy shares in the winter & get a box of produce all season - some of whatever's growing.

I'm going to try to participate in a local economy and learn how to do something that everyone (including me) just assumes will keep happening: farmers growing food.

I want to write about it as I go along, to remember why I'm here when it gets rough (too early, or too long, or too far from facebook and starbucks) and to share the experience with those of you who care about local food & farms. so let me know what you think.

And, I found that I could only read Wendell Berry for so long without wanting to give it a go.


brenda said...

liz green, you are woman after my own heart. i want to join you in your wendell-inspired journey. i am going to hang on your every word as you experience the body of the lord: dirty, young, brutal, alive. so, post away--i'll be reading!

all love, brenda

Dave and Beth Saavedra said...

eagerly awaiting more news of your adventures. thanks for blogging!