
My back hurts. I got stung by a bee last week on the bottom of my foot. It's been way too hot all week, and no rain. Tomorrow we are starting at 6am so it will be more bearable (that's weather-wise, not sleeping-wise, to be clear).

This morning, harvesting onions was making me cry like I was cooking with them instead of just pulling them out of the ground. This is in addition to my daily sunblock-sweat-in-the-eye cry, which always seems to happen when I'm doing a task that I really need eyes for, like tilling on the tractor.

However! Today we took an ice cream break. And I cooked up a super Indian curry w/Jon after work with lots of farm food - our tomatoes, garlic, onions, zucchini, and some other stuff. So all in all, not too bad...

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